Friday, October 22, 2010

From "Boys" to "Kids"

Papa Bear and I were in Baby Girl's room last night admiring all of our hard work and talking about the changes to come. Holding up her tiny tiny diapers and looking at the pink tiny infant clothing we were in awe and overwhelmed at what is to come for our little family. Everything from changing our currently terminology as we refer to Peanut as the "baby" or we talk about what we are doing with the "boys" instead of "kids" to changing our routines and schedules as needed to adjust to our newest bundle of love. The plan is to be induced on Tuesday - so one way or another she is coming out in 5 days or less and lots of plans and last minute details are getting worked out. I am a planner so this sits well with me but at the same time I am not motivated to do that things that NEED to get done like pre-making meals and washing laundry and want to focus on making scrapbooking frames and picking out her coming home from the hospital outfit. So this weekend will be filled with a little bit of both as we both celebrate her pending arrival and spend time as a family of 4 for the last time. I hope to get alone time with each boy this weekend to spoil them and pile on the love so that they know how special they are to me. Here we go, from my "boys" to "kids" in less than 5 days. I can't wait!!

Here are some pictures of her nursery - sorry her name on the wall is blurred out. We aren't sharing her name (unless you ask Little Man, who seems to share it freely with anyone that asks) until she is born!

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