Friday, August 16, 2013

Learning Time

Learning time is when the kids spend time working on activities to prepare them for or keep up their skills for school.  I honestly dread this time.  The kids look forward to it and love it.  I am not meant to be a teacher.  I don't have the patience or the skill to work with multiple kids at different levels.  I will say it again, I am not teacher material, not by a long shot. 

Little Man is the easiest to plan and prepare for and he can work independently on a lot of the lessons while I get my HR work done.  He works on everything from reading, telling time, counting money, addition, subtraction and thinking skills.  Peanut absolutely loves learning time but has a much shorter window of time that he will hang with it and almost all of the activities require my attention in some capacity even if it is just to tell him that he is doing it correctly.  Sweet Pea just makes a mess, disturbs the boys and loses interest in her activity and takes over one of the other activities meant for the boys so I try to do learning time during her afternoon nap.  She will get plenty of alone learning time with me during the school year.  The thing that really gets me is how much the kids love learning time.  It is one of the few structured activities that does not require bribing or cajoling or reminding.  If anything, they ask me for it and I hold back a moan (again, the patience required while I am already trying to work is not something I have in large quantities) and pull out the activities I planned for that week.  But while I am not teacher material and I don't know if I display the right amount of patience while working with them, I absolutely love watching them learn and grow.  Getting to see Little Man understand how to tell time or count up the money or do double digit addition is just awesome. I envy their teachers this year because I feel like both boys are poised for some jumps in their learning and watching it click or the light go on is so rewarding that the pain of being a pretend teacher for the summer is worth it.

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