Friday, November 1, 2013

Reading Reading Everywhere

Little Man has really hit his stride in reading and goes through books like water.  I have a hard time figuring out how to deal with it sometimes because there is something inherently wrong with telling him to stop reading.  But if I let him, he would have a book at the breakfast table, while playing a game (because I take too long on my turn), etc.  So the other day I told him that he could read where ever and when ever he wanted and he had a book in his had for the 2 hours before school and another 2 after school.  What can I say, sometimes you just have to let the rules slide for reading especially since I have a book with me at all times and tend to do the same thing if the kids aren't paying attention. 

Reading during breakfast

Reading on our head

Sweet Pea wanted in on the action...I think she is ready for her big girl bed!

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