Thursday, April 22, 2010

Because I love Peanut.....

Little Man has known for quite some time that we are expecting another baby. Even when he seems to be playing contentedly in the corner, he is listening to everything that goes on in a room so it wasn't something we could easily hide from him. He has taken quite an interest and asked many questions like "How did the baby get in your belly?" to which I immediately asked him to go ask Papa Bear! He also tries to peer in my belly button hoping to get to see the baby and likes to bring the baby toys and put them on my belly and declare he is a good big brother.

But one day I could tell something was bothering him. He didn't want to talk about the baby and seemed more introspective than usual. When he finally got it all together he looked at me and said "Mama, I don't want the new baby to come to our house." I was surprised because he had been so excited and had proclaimed the existence of the baby to the cable guy and anyone else that would listen. But I figured jealousy or something and wasn't overly worried. So I asked him why and he said "Because I love Peanut and I don't want a new baby brother, I want Peanut." Oh how my heart broke for him and soared at the same time. He thought that by having a new baby we were replacing our current baby. I explained that Peanut will be his little brother and the baby will be his baby brother or sister so we get to keep Peanut. His fears erased he slipped off the couch and went to play with his baby brother. My sweet Little Man never ceases to surprise me with the way that he thinks and learns. He really is a great big brother and this new baby will be just as blessed as Peanut.

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