Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Believe in Santa

This may be the last year that Little Man believes in Santa.  I want to preserve the magic that believing in Santa brings to the holidays, but I also don't want to have to trick Little Man into believing.  He has friends at school that tell him that Santa isn't real, he sees the differences in the many Santa's around town, the ones with the fake beards and he finds evidence of gifts that he asked Santa for in our bedroom closet and then he confides in me that he knows that Papa Bear and I are really pretending to be Santa.  We have gone to great lengths to keep the magic one more year.  Special secret wrapping paper for the gifts from Santa, duplicate gifts to throw him off the trail of what he found in the bedroom closet, planned Santa footprints from soot in the fire place and Zippy the Elf's continued trips to the North Pole. 

But next year, if he asks, which let's face it, he will...we will tell him that Christmas magic is about believing and finding the best in the people around us.  We will tell him that Santa is the magic of loving and giving to others and now that he knows that there isn't one REAL Santa, he gets to be one of the many Santa's.  That it is his job to be Santa for his brother and sister and his friends that still believe. Santa is lots and lots of people who keep the magic of Christmas alive and the spirit of giving strong.  So we will plan our Santa projects together, how to give generously of our love and hearts to bring joy to others around us.  And I know that this will be a project that he will be even more excited than he is about Santa this year.  He has already told us this year that he doesn't want to ask Santa for anything although he hopes he still gets a nerf I know his heart is ready and next year, I will be too. 

But until then I have to try and figure out how to leave reindeer prints in our driveway.....

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