Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Big Pool Fun

A typical afternoon/evening in our house will find Papa Bear and Little Man playing in the yard, riding bikes, hunting bugs, using tools to fix or break something while Peanut and I fix dinner for the gang.  Well today, we went crazy and atypical!  My MOMS club had a pool day and a few of Little Man’s friends were planning on going.  A pool with an infant and a 2 year old is stressful on a good day so I asked Papa Bear if he could swing an early day at work and he swung it.  So Papa Bear got home at 4:00 (and I had the dinner all ready to go for him to just put in the oven) and Little Man and I went ALL BY OURSELVES TO THE BIG POOL!  Oh you would have thought that I had just given him heaven in a box.  From 4:15 – 6:00 when I finally dragged him home he jumped, splashed and swam in the big pool with me.  He blew bubbles and even went under water a few times successfully while holding his breath.  I had taken for granted all of the time I got with him one-on-one before Peanut graced us with his presence.  We hugged and laughed and had ourselves 2 hours of non-stop fun without any stress or distractions.  I enjoyed it immensely and I know he did too.  But he also showed me that he is aware that it was a different kind of afternoon than he is used to because as I loaded him into the car to go home he said “Mama, I miss Papa and Bealge*” ( *his nickname for Peanut which is a whole different post)  When we got home (in between stuffing large amounts of meatloaf, rice and strawberry pie in his mouth) he said “Papa, I missed you”.  It was just the sweetest sentiment especially because it was so sincere and unprompted.  I had missed Papa Bear and Peanut too, but I sure am thankful for my alone time with Little Man.  

1 comment:

  1. that is so sweet; and yes, an explanation of that nickname is in order, I think (as well as the phonetic pronunciation:))!
