Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bible Camp for the boys

Little Man and Peanut are attending Vacation Bible School this week.  I was a bit of a wreck sending Peanut off to camp on his first day.  Thoughts were swirling around in my head, "What if he eats something there with corn in it?", "Will they be able to understand him?", "What if he wanders off and no one notices (he is really fast when he wants to be)?"  But I knew I had to let go and at least give it a shot.  He was so excited to be going to camp WITH his big brother.  I think he felt like a big boy.  (I was really excited to have 2 hours each morning with only one kid in tow).  I called the office the week before to ask about the snacks and if I could provide a snack for just Peanut explaining the situation the best that I could.  They assured me they deal with food allergies all the time and put my mind at ease.  Then on his first day when I walked him in and met the camp leader for his age group she explained that she is a pediatric nurse and she knew what apraxia was and assured me she would take care of him.  I left with a lot of peace about the situation and a list of errands I wanted to do with only Sweet Pea on my hip. 

Bible camp has been a huge success for both boys.  Little Man told me that his teacher told him that he was the best behaved because he didn't mess around and always paid attention.  He needs this kind of positive feedback especially being the big brother with so many expectations on him at home.  And last night, over the monitor we heard the sweetest sound in the world.  Peanut was singing "You you you, you jus (trust) God" over and over.  His sweet little voice carrying a tune in a way I have been dying to hear.  And then today his camp leader told me that he had an excellent day and that he is her best chatterer (talker) and answers all of the questions and asks questions of his own.  She said that she understood about 85% of what he was saying which is about all you can ask for from a 3 year old conversation anyway.  Amazing!

I was reading my post from this time last year when Little Man attended "Jesus Camp" and in it I read that Peanut had just said his first 4 word sentence "JaJa help Lolo do".  It was such an accomplishment then and it was impossible to imagine that he would be speaking in full sentences, understood by strangers and attending VBS with his big brother a year later.  What a difference a year can make.  If you want to read last year's post, you can read it here.

Big things are coming for all of us in the next month and I just can't wait.

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