Saturday, June 6, 2009

Growing Up

This post has a little of everything, so pardon me if I am all over the place.

Yesterday, after Papa Bear got home from work, we had to run out and get some errands done.  One of these errands brought us to the Bowman's house.  As we pulled up, Little Man started his excited chant of Play with Hannah Play with Hannah.  Christina offered to take the boys for us while we ran errands so Papa Bear and I could have some time to ourselves.  I asked Little Man this questions "Do you want to stay and play with Hannah or go to the store with Mama and Papa?"  He replied "stay and play with Hannah!".  A few months ago he would have refused to leave my side.  But he got out of the car, walked into Hannah's house and said "bye, mama".  I was proud of him and just a little sad.  We kept Peanut with us for feeding reasons, but it was like not having any children with us at all.  Other than one explosive poo, which we are so used to it was barely even a consideration, Peanut was all smiles and coos as we shopped and went out to dinner.  Papa Bear and I marveled at the relative calm of only having one child with us and we ate in peace and graced with Peanut joy.  When we went to pick up Little Man, he was eating a popsicle with his best friend and not missing us at all.  Amazing how grown up he is already.  Again, I have to say I am so proud and just a little sad.  

1 comment:

  1. wow, that's awesome! I don't think I chose "stay with a friend" until I was a LOT older...Little Man is quite mature. And so nice that the two of you got a date together;-)
