Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Peanut Update - 3 months

Tomorrow Peanut will be 3 months old and at some point when I have a free minute (ok, I never have a free minute but maybe a few seconds) I will be switching his clothes out AGAIN.  As he turns 3 months, I will be putting away the 3-6 month clothing and bringing in the 6-12 month clothing.  It became clear tonight that I had to bite the bullet and make the switch when I tried to put on his 3-6 month pajamas and the neck part didn't quite reach the edge of his shoulders.  His girth (which there is plenty of) and his length have exceeded the recommended weight requirements and I must once again face the fact that he is growing up, or at the very least getting bigger.  

He is now sleeping at least 9 hours straight in the night and still giving his smiles away to me and Papa Bear.  He has caught his first cold, courtesy of Little Man but it hasn't slowed him down...from sleeping all the time.  

Prediction time - I predict that at his 4 month appointment on July 27th that he will be 19 pounds 14 ounces.  Anyone care to make a guess...I will give a prize to the winner!

1 comment:

  1. I have faith that Peanut will be a full fledged 20 lbs at his 4 month apt :)
