Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kindergarten Music Informance

Today Little Man had a "Music Informance" which is a cross between a performance and an informational session.  Essentially, I got to go in and watch a music class from beginning to end.  A good friend watched Peanut and Sweet Pea for me so that I could really focus on Little Man and I am so glad that I did.  He was smiles from beginning to end with tiny waves to me every chance he got.  It was fantastic to get a small peek into his day, watch him interact, raise his hand, answer questions, sing, play the instruments and just be his adorable little self.  It took everything in me not to run over at the end and give him hugs and kisses all over.  Instead I signed "I love you" and he shyly signed back.  I got videos and pictures so that Papa Bear could see it and I can't wait for Little Man to get home from school today so that I can tell him how proud I was of him.

You can see Little Man in the front row all the way on the end playing the xylophone.  Of course he was his very serious self through the entire performance and singing - even when the other kids were laughing and goofing around.  Another mom leaned over and asked me if he was ok and I laughed, Little Man has been serious and focused since forever and as soon as a song was over he would break into a smile but never during...nope, he is working and focused. 

I love my BIG Little Man and how grown up he is getting but I still want to keep him little forever.

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