Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little Manese

Little Man talks non-stop these days and most (or at least a lot) of it is understandable. But some needs some interpretation so in an attempt to help interpret, but really to capture the adorable translation necessary for understanding Little Man I made this list. It is not all inclusive and I will probably add to it over time.

Up Moon Mama = I love you up to the moon, Mama

Applejuice = Octopus (this is one of my favorites)

True Ray = Fly Away (as in the birds fly away)

Beet = Feet

Box = Fox

Dup = Cup

Nardinal = Cardinal

Ditty = Cookie

Vity Vity = Very Very

Nane = Crane

Mys = Mine (as in yours and mys)

Toe Wuzzies – Toe Fuzzies

Tank Ewe – Thank You

Nummy – Tummy

Outelle - Outside

Des = Yes (although more and more it is sounding correct, which is a little sad because I love how he says it)

Boo = Blue

Bed = Red

Neen = Green

Lello = Yellow

Monies - Coins needed to operate ride on toys and candy machines

Papa up Baby LJ, Mama up me = this is self explanatory, but it is what he says most often now when I have been holding Logan for a while.


  1. Thanks, how could I forget that one. It was one of his firsts and the only one that we perpetuate.
