Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Star Gazing

I have no explanation. I have a few ideas, but none that are backed by scientific fact so I hesitate to share them. What I do know is that both of my boys love to stare at the ceiling in my living room, in any room really. They just like to look up. It started at about 6 weeks for both of them. When you pick them up, they throw themselves back (so if you are new to holding babies, I wouldn't start with mine) and stare at the ceiling as if I had taped up a picture of Pamela Anderson in all of her plastic glory above them. Many theories exist, we have brown beams and a white ceiling and babies like contrast. (But infants at 6 weeks can only see about 12 inches in front of them so I am not sure that is the case). There is a position in the womb called star gazing where they are tilted back just like this and thus prefer that position out of the womb. (Except that they didn't start this behavior until 6 weeks so that kind of rules that theory out.) Whatever the reason, it is either genetic or environmental, it is either normal or very strange, it is either good for them or bad for them, but whatever it is - it is hard to hold on to them, so watch out!


Little Man

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